André Rocha

My Graduation

Quem sou eu?
Fotos - New Zealand
Juventude Utópica
Outros Escritos
Fotos - Teatro
Fotos - André Roch@
Fotos - Família Roch@
Para meu Filho
Fotos - Lucas Roch@
Para minha Afilhada
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Minhas viagens
My Graduation
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Simplicidade Voluntária



Date : 30 August 2002

Level : Upper Intermediate

His listening skills are some of the best
He can focus, predict and guess the rest
He cleans his ears, tunes in his brain
Picks up his pen and feels no strain

Reading is a skill at which Andres pretty handy
Poems, books, magazines? He swallows them like candy
Skimming, scanning, guessing words? No strategys ignored
And no matter what the topic is, he never says Im bored

Speaking, well, terrible. Shall I tell you why?
In case you havent noticed, hes such a quiet guy
Never asks a question or gives his point of view
Keeps his mouth firmly shut, looks so sad and blue

His writings always interesting, though the grammars kind of odd
His last test essay was a dialogue with God!
If I cant understand it, or follow it with ease
I still know it must be brilliant, if I could read in Portuguese!

He used to be a bank manager. I think thats really funny
Cos hes the only student who dont care too much for money
We always think of him as our Philosopher King
Socrates, Nietzsche, thats his kind of thing

His humour, optimism and pure strong heart
Will stay in all our memories even though we have to part
So, Andre Luiz Rocha, star student from Brazil
We hope youll still come see us. Promise us you will!

Wishing you every success for the future.
Thanks for everything... love.PEGGY
