André Rocha

Quem sou eu?
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Juventude Utópica
Outros Escritos
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Para meu Filho
Fotos - Lucas Roch@
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My Graduation
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Simplicidade Voluntária

 I don't know anything that gives me greater pleasure, or profit either, than talking or listening to philosophy. But when it comes to ordinary conversation, such as the stuff you talk about financiers and the money market, well, I find it pretty tiresome personally, and I feel sorry that my friends should think they're being very busy when they're really doing absolutely nothing. Of course, I know your idea of me: you think I'm just a poor unfortunate, and I shouldn't wonder if your right. But then I don't THINK that you're unfortunate - I know you are. (Plato)

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Bem-vindo ao meu site pessoal !


Aqui você conhecera tudo sobre mim: meus interesses e hobbies, minha família, meus escritos e muito mais. Incluí até mesmo meu curriculum vitae e uma lista de links para meus sites favoritos.Conheca o "Universo Andre Rocha" e leia o Diario Kiwi com relatos da minha vivencia atual na Nova Zelandia.

Parte da minha producao literaria esta aqui tambem. Copie, reproduza, de sua opiniao, passe aos amigos ou inimigos.Entre em contato comigo para sermos "amigos virtuais".

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Tongariro Crossing - April 2007

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Qual é o verdadeiro objetivo da (sua) vida?

New Zealand Diary

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Kiwi Diary
Fotos New Zealand

Juventude Utopica - 1986

Andre Roch@

"À juventude que carrega sobre os ombros o peso da incógnita sobre o verdadeiro objetivo da vida."
Juventude Utopica - 1986

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103 Vincent Street
Auckland City Central
 New Zealand

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"How shall I repay the LORD
for all the good things he has done for me?
I will lift up the cup of salvation
and call upon the Name of the LORD.
I will fulfill my vows to the LORD
in the presence of all his people."

Psam 116

"If you'd like to know what your CHOICES have been, look at yourself and the life you have lived. What you see is the CHOICES you've made."

Shad Helmstetter

Andre Roch@

"My religion is kindness. A good mind, a good heart, warm feelings, these are the most important things."

Dalai Lama